Opencart 3 Upload Manager Setting Permissions Wrong

In this tutorial nosotros volition evidence you how to enable and configure different shipping methods in OpenCart. Aircraft methods are useful when you have physical products that need to be shipped to your customer subsequently order. Every bit usually order deliveries involve transportation taxes configuring your aircraft methods is important for both your customers and you as a store owner.

For the purpose of this tutorial nosotros will prove y'all how to configure your OpenCart with iii unlike shipping options - Free Shipping, Apartment Rate Shipping and Pickup From Store. Before we brainstorm permit's quickly review these options.

The Free Shipping method is useful if you would like to provide free shipping for your products which can be used for promotions, add value to your customers or for purely marketing purposes. Additionally, you may set the Free Shipping pick to be available only if the order is over certain corporeality.

The Flat Rate Aircraft is used when you would like to charge an boosted apartment fee for products delivery to your customers. For example, if you lot accept a local store and transport your products but in a certain geographical region you might go for this option every bit most probably the shipping fee will be flat for all your customers.

The Pickup From Store option tin can exist used if you have a store with a physical address from where customers tin come by and choice their orders after buy.

To provide a new shipping method for your shop, you lot need to:


Install a Shipping Method

To enable any of the Shipping Methods bachelor, delight login into your OpenCart admin dashboard and navigate to the Extensions → Shipping menu from the top navigation.

OpenCart Shipping Methods

To install the desired shipping method simply click on the Install link next to the proper name of the desired option.

OpenCart Install Shipping Module

When the page reloads yous should run across your module enabled. Yous may proceed and install all the aircraft methods you intend to use. After the installation procedure is completed you lot will need to configure each individual method depending on your needs.


Configure the Shipping Method

Let's configure the Flat Charge per unit Shipping Method kickoff. To do this, please click on the Edit button located on the method line. This will direct y'all to the shipping method configuration page.

OpenCart Configure Shipping Method

First, we will need to set the flat fee that nosotros volition charge customers for delivery if this shipping method is enabled/active for the products they order. If you have configured different Tax Classes and Geo Zones, please select the advisable options for your store.

For example, downloadable products in Downloadable products Tax group do not demand shipping method equally they are directly downloaded after the gild is submitted and paid, so Downloadable Product tax group is not suitable option. On the other hand, y'all may need to prepare the flat rate shipping to be available only to US or UK customers. In this case you should select the advisable Geo Zone.

Geo Zones and Tax Groups

Dissimilar Geo Zones and Tax Groups tin exist added via your store admin panel past navigating to Arrangement → Localization → Taxes/Geo Zones.

When you take the desired settings applied, delight brand certain that the status of the shipping method is Enabled and save your settings by hit the Relieve button at the upper right corner of your screen.

Now that we have configured the Flat charge per unit method let's configure the Gratuitous Shipping option. To practice this, delight click on the Edit button from the Shipping Methods folio list.

Here you can configure a few cases and groups for which the free Aircraft method will be available. For example, if you would like to take the Free Aircraft method available only for orders over 100 pounds in example your customers are from UK you should prepare the Full value to 100 and select the Uk geo zone.

OpenCart Free Shipping Module

Please remember to change the status of this shipping method to Enabled if y'all would like to make it bachelor for your customers. When you are ready, delight click on the Save button to apply your settings and make this selection available.

The Pickup From Store configuration is pretty direct forrard. Basically you need to simply ready the method to Enabled after the installation. However, we highly recommend to consider applying a Geo Zone for this option so you can limit this option merely to customers from a Geo Zone(due south) near to your physical store.

Demand Help with OpenCart?

FastComet's OpenCart Hosting packages are optimized to provide fast and secure hosting environment for OpenCart with free 24/7 OpenCart Technical Support.

In addition to the above methods you may review the rest of the bachelor aircraft methods to find the one that most suits your needs. OpenCart comes with several different shipping methods in case you lot plan to use postal companies such as UPS or Royal Postal service for example.


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